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Pictures Model Aka Version Intro date End date Type Last update Progr RAM ROM Nb functions Alpha Nb keys Display type Display Graph XY Ext Print Sav Clock             Microprocessor                                     Functions                         Size Weight Batteries Ext power Power Twin Made in Link(s)                                                 Remarks                                                

   Texas Instruments  

More info about TI calculators at DATAMATH
Pictures Model Aka Version Intro date End date Type Last update Progr RAM ROM Nb functions Alpha Nb keys Display type Display Graph XY Ext Print Sav Clock             Microprocessor                                     Functions                         Size Weight Batteries Ext power Power Twin Made in Link(s)                                                 Remarks                                                
CAL TECH  29/03/1967 4 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18Printer?NNNNN  156x108x441275g (45 ounces) Y  USA "Prototype : first ever ""pocket"" calculator, never commercialized."
DatamathTI-2500 (pre-series) 06/197219724 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0110 140x76x43 6xAAAC  USADatamathNot really commercialized.
DatamathTI-2500006/197219724 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0110 140x76x43 6xAAAC  USADatamath 
DatamathTI-2500109/1972>=19724 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 6xAAAC  Italy, USADatamath 
Minimath(prototype) 197219724 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LCD8NNNNNTI TMS0111 140x76x43 Y?  USADatamathNever commercialized prototype.
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.Datamath.TI-2500.v2DatamathTI-2500202/1973>=19734 funct2010_02_10N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 4xAAAC  Italy, Spain, UK, USADatamath 
DatamathTI-2500308/1973>=19734 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0119NC  140x76x43 4xAA or 3xAAAC  USADatamath 
DatamathTI-2500B (prototype) 1973>=19734 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0119NC  140x76x43 4xAA or 3xAAAC  USADatamathNever commercialized prototype.
galerie/TI/DatamathDatamathTI-2500B 01/1974>=19744 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 4xAAAC  Spain, USADatamath 
TI-2510 110/1973>=19734 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 4xAAY  USADatamath 
TI-2510 201/1974>=19744 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 4xAAY  USADatamath 
TI-2511  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_16N0 4N18LED8NNNNNTI TMS0119NC 140x76x43 4xAAY  SpainDatamath 
Datamath IITI-2500-II , TI-2500 II 11/1974>=19754 funct2008_09_16N0 5N19LED8NNNNNTI TMS0803NC%140x76x43 2xAAY  Spain, USADatamath 
SR-10 111/1972>=19744 funct++2008_10_12N0 9N23LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0120NC1/x x^2 Sqrt +/- EE162x89x37 3xAA5.8VAC Radio Shack EC-425Italy, : USA , Italy.Exists in 2 variations from the 'SR-10' label.
SR-10 21973>=19744 funct++2009_02_19N0 9N23LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0120NC1/x x^2 Sqrt +/- EE162x89x37200gr3xAA5.8VAC  Brazil, ItalyDatamath ref. 
SR-10 31975>=19754 funct++2008_10_12N0 9N23LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0120NC1/x x^2 Sqrt +/- EE162x89x37 3xAA5.8VAC  USADatamath ref. 
SR-11 11973>=19744 funct++2008_10_12N0 10N24LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0602NC1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi EE+/-162x89x37 3xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.SR-11.version2SR-11 21973>=19754 funct++2011_11_13N0 10N24LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0602NC1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi EE+/-162x89x37 3xAA sealedY  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
SR-16  <=1974>=1975Slide Rule2008_10_12N1 14+3memN31LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1001NC or NL1/x x^2 Sqrt lnx e^x log 10^x y^x EE +/- STO RCL Sum160x79x38 3xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
SR-22  <=1973>=19734 funct desktop2008_10_12N1 6+4mem+4baseN34Panaplex II10 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0207, TMC0323, TMC0404+/- EE STO RCL XCH SUM OCT CHR HEX DEC230x165x68 YY  USADatamath ref. 
SR-50  01/1974>=1974Scient2008_10_12N1 30+3memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501NL TMC0521NLsin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh D/R lnx e^x log x^2 Sqrt 1/x x! y^(1/x) x<>y y^x EE Pi +/- STO RCL SUM145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt pack6.2V ?  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
SR-51 11975>=1975Scient + Financial2008_10_12N3 42+6memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501, TMS0522, TMC0523Scient + Financial145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt packY  USADatamath ref. 
SR-51 21975>=1975Scient + Financial2008_10_12N3 42+6memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501, TMS0522, TMC0523Scient + Financial145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt packY  USADatamath ref. 
TI-150  197419754 funct2008_09_21N0 5N19Orange panaplex8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0852NC%166x82x46 4xAA8VAC  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-2550TI-2550  01/1974>=19754 funct2008_10_11N1 5+4memN23LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0601NC or NL% CM MR M- M+166x82x46 4xAA or 3xAA8.2VAC  Italy, USADatamath ref.Exists in 3 display variations.
exactra 19  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED6 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0806NC 130x73x33 3xAAN  USADatamath 
exactra 20  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED6 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0135NC 130x73x33 3xAAN  USADatamath 
exactra 21(prototype) 197419744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC 130x73x33 3xAAN  USADatamath 
exactra 21  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC 130x73x33 3xAAN  USADatamath 
exactra 22  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC 130x73x33 3xAAY  USADatamath 
exactra 23  1974>=19754 funct2008_09_25N0 5N19LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC%130x73x33 3xAAY  USADatamath 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_TI-1500_V1TI-1500 104/197419744 funct2009_06_11N0 5N19LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC SN27882N%127x67x28 2xAA sealed6VAC  Italy, USADatamath ref.Version 1 : % key is located at keyboard bottom, uses 9 separated LED modules.
TI-1500 21974>=19744 funct2008_09_21N0 5N19LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC SN27882N%127x67x28 2xAA sealed6VAC  USADatamath ref.Version 2 : % key is located at keyboard top, Bowmar LED modul.
TI-1500 31974>=19754 funct2008_09_21N0 5N19LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0803NC SN27882N%127x67x28 2xAA sealed6VAC  UK, USADatamath ref.Version 3 : % key is located at keyboard top, the display modul uses 9 bubble lenses.
TI-2000  1974>=19744 funct2008_09_25N0 4N18LED6 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0135NC 130x73x33 3xAAN  ItalyDatamath 
SR-16 IISR-16-II 08/1975>=1976Slide Rule2009_01_07N1 15+3memN31LED8+2NNNNNTI TMS1016y^x 1/x Sqrt x^2 log e^x lnx EE Pi +/- STO RCL Sum145x80x33 3xAA bat packY TI CONCEPT IIIUSADatamath ref. 
SR-40(prototype) 19751975Scient2010_05_31N1 26+3memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1111NLsin cos tan D/R P>R lnx e^x log 1/x x^2 Sqrt 1/x ( ) x<>y y^x EE Pi +/- asin acos atan STO RCL EXC145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt packY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_SR-50A.version1SR-50A 11975>=1976Scient2013_04_17N1 30+3memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501NL TMC0521NL-5sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh D/R lnx e^x log x^2 Sqrt 1/x x! y^(1/x) x<>y y^x EE Pi +/- STO RCL Sum145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt pack6.2V ?  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
SR-50A 21975>=1976Scient2008_10_16N1 30+3memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501NL TMC0531NLsin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh D/R lnx e^x log x^2 Sqrt 1/x x! y^(1/x) x<>y y^x EE Pi +/- STO RCL Sum145x80x33 3xAA sealed batt pack6.2V ?  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
SR-51A  1975>=1976Scient + Financial2008_10_16N3 42+6memN40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NNYNNTI TMC0501NL TMC0522NL TMC0523NLScient + Financial147x81x32 3xAA sealed batt pack7VAC  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
SR-52  1975>=1976Scient Progr2012_01_21Y20 Scient ProgrN45LED10 1/2+2 1/2NYExtYNTI TMC0595NL TMC0105NL TMC0524NLScient Progr164x84x44 3xAA sealed batt pack6VAC  Holland, USADatamath ref.Has a magnetic cards reader.
SR-56SR-56 programmable <=1976>=1977Scient Progr2009_01_07Y10mem+100pas 61N40LED10 1/2+2 1/2NYExtNNTMS0538NL (7645) TMS0537NL (7649) TMC0599NL (7640) TMC0501NL (7644) 2xSN27882N (7644)Scient Progr147x81x32 3xAA sealed batt packY  Italy, Holland, : with , without 'Programmable' logo. 
TI-5050  03/1975>=19764 funct+printer2009_01_01N0 9N21Thermal printer10NNYNNTI TMC1014, TMS1214T S ^ % #220x100x65820gr6xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/1200TI-1200  03/1975>=19774 funct2009_01_01N0 5N19LED8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS0952NC or NL or TI TMS0972NL%139x72x34 1x9V8VDC TI Concept IItaly, USADatamath ref. 
TI-2550 II  <=1975>=19764 funct2009_01_01N1 9+4memN27VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1071NLSqrt x^2 1/x RV % CM MR M- M+147x81x32 2xAA sealed7VAC  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
LADY 1200  1975>=19764 funct2008_09_30N0 5N19LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NL%139x72x34 1x9VY TI-1200USADatamath 
TI-1205  1976>=19774 funct2009_01_01N1 5N19LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NL%139x72x34 2xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-1250TI-1250  <=1975>=19774 funct2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0952NL ou TI TMS0972NL (ZA0348)CS % MC MR M- M+139x71x33 1x9V9VDC TI Concept IIItaly, USADatamath ref.Exists in 2 slightly different variants (gold or silver).
TI-1255  1976>=19764 funct2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24LED8.NNNNN CS % MC MR M- M+139x71x33 2xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-1260TI-1260  1976>=19764 funct2009_12_22N1 8+2memN24LED8NNNNNTI TMS0954g kg à % MR M+139x72x35 1x9VY  ItalyDatamath ref.Enter price-per-kilogram and then the weight and the TI-1260 calculates the price.
TI-1265  04/1976>=19774 funct2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1043NL ZA0352+/- % MC MR M- M+139x72x35 1x9V9V5DC50mA Italy, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-1270TI-1270  04/1976>=19774 funct2009_01_09N1 9+2memN24LED8.NNNNNTI TMS0974NL (ZA0355)1/x x^2 Sqrt +/- Pi STO RCL139x72x34 1x9VY  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-1400  1976>=19774 funct2009_01_01N0 6N20LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NL+/- %139x72x34 1x9VY  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1450  1976>=19774 funct2009_03_27N1 6+4memN24LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NL+/- % MC MR M- M+139x72x34 1x9VY  USADatamath ref. 
ABLE  1976>=19774 funct2008_09_21N0 4N16LED8NNNNN  139x72x34 2xAA sealedY  USADatamathThere are 6 versions (ABLE-I, ABLE-II, ABLE-III, ABLE-IV, ABLE-V, ABLE-VI) for this calculator : each time a snap-on keyboard gives access to more or less digits and/or functions.
CONCEPT I  1976>=19764 funct2009_01_01N0 5N19LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NL%139x72x34 1x9VY TI-1200USADatamath ref. 
CONCEPT II  1976>=19764 funct2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24LED8NNNNNTI TMS0972NLCS % MC MR M- M+139x72x34 1x9VY TI-1250USADatamath ref. 
CONCEPT IIIAdvanced Slide Rule 1976>=1976Slide Rule Programmable2009_01_01N1 15+3memN31LED8+2NNNNNTI TMS1016y^x 1/x Sqrt x^2 log e^x lnx EE Pi +/- STO RCL Sum145x80x33 3xAA bat packY SR-16 IIUSADatamath ref. 
THE SPIRIT of '76Spirit of '76 1976>=19764 funct2009_01_01N0 5N19LED8NNNNNTI TMS0952%139x72x34 1x9VY  USADatamath ref.USA's 200th birthday commemorative calculator.
TI-MEC(prototype) 19761976experimantal2009_01_01N0 1N5LED8NNNNN  139x72x34 1x9VY  USADatamath ref.Never sold protype, has only the 5 following keys : 0, 1, +, =, et C.
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_TI_SR-51-IISR-51-II  1976>=1977Scient + Financial2009_03_17N3 58+5memN40LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0501NL TMC0581NLScient + Financial145x80x33 2xAA sealed batt pack8.5V AC  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
SR-40(commercial version) 1976>=1977Scient2009_01_07YN 29+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0981NL1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) STO RCL SUM EXC145x80x33 BP5 or BP8 rechY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/2550-IIITI-2550 III  1976>=19764 funct2008_09_21N1 10+4memN28VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1043NLRV Sqrt x^2 1/x +/- % CM MR M- M+147x81x32 1xAA bat pack7VAC170mA Italy, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_LITTLE_PROFESSOR_vers_LED_1LITTLE PROFESSOR LED 119761978Game2010_02_10N0 4N16LED7+2NNNNNTI TMS0975NLGaming127x79x29 1x9VN  USADatamath 
TI-5050M  06/1976>=19774 funct+printer2009_01_01N1 9+1memN23Thermal printer10NNNNNTI TMS1115F/A ^ T % #/S M216x102x65 6xAA sealedY Radio Shack EC-3001USADatamath ref. 
TI-1600  06/1976>=19774 funct2009_10_24N0 6N20VFD8NNNNNTI TMS1043NL+/- %125x70x16 sealed3.3VAC  USADatamath 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-1650TI-1650  06/1976>=19774 funct2009_12_22N1 6+4memN24VFD8NNNNNTI TMS1043NL+/- % MC MR M- M+125x70x16 sealed3.3VAC  USADatamath 
galerie/TI/TI-30TI-30  1976>=1983Scient2009_01_28N1 28+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0981NL1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) STO RCL SUM EXC145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N  Italy, : molded logo , printed logo. 
TI Business Analyst  06/1976>=1979Financial2009_01_24N>=1 FinancialN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0982NLFinancial145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N TI-41USADatamath ref. 
TI Money Manager (black case)<=1976>=1977Financial2008_10_29N>=1 33+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0982NLlnx e^x x^2 Sqrt N %i PMT PV FV (Compute N %i PMT PV FV) % Delta% CST SEL MAR (Compute CST SEL MAR) y^x x^(1/y) Sigma+ Sigma- x<>y LR ( AN-CI ) 1/x m b x' y' (Compute 1/x m b x' y') STO RCL SUM EXC +/-145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N TI-31USADatamath ref. 
TI Money Manager (braun case)<=1977>=1978Financial2008_10_29N>=1 33+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI JP0982lnx e^x x^2 Sqrt N %i PMT PV FV (Compute N %i PMT PV FV) % Delta% CST SEL MAR (Compute CST SEL MAR) y^x x^(1/y) Sigma+ Sigma- x<>y LR ( AN-CI ) 1/x m b x' y' (Compute 1/x m b x' y') STO RCL SUM EXC +/-145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N  BrazilDatamath ref. 
The MBA  <=1977>=1981Financial2008_10_29Y8 to 12 / 32 to 0 FinancialN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1502NLFinancial145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N TI-42 MBAUSADatamath ref. 
TI-1680  1977>=19784 funct2009_10_24N1 8+2memN24VFD8NNNNNTI TMC1981NL, TMC0999NL% +/- M MR BST^ RPLv (Replay)125x70x16 sealed3.3VAC  USADatamathUp to 20 Replay steps.
TI Programmer  <=1977>=1979Logical2008_10_30N1 logicalN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0983logical145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N  USADatamath ref. 
MATH MAGIC  <=1977>=1977Game2009_02_01N0 4N16LED8NNNNNTI TMC0907/ZA0379Game127x89x28 1x9VN  USADatamath ref. 
WIZ-A-TRON  <=1977>=1977Game2009_02_01N0 4N16LED8NNNNNTI TMC0907/ZA0379Game127x89x28 1x9VN  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_DATAMANDATAMAN  <=1977>=1980Game2009_01_30N   N24VFD2+2+3+indicNNNNNTI TMC1982NLGame148x88x29 1x9VN  El Salvador, Italy  
TI Business Analyst-ITI Business Analyst 1 <=1977>=1979Financial2008_10_27N>=1 FinancialN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0982NLFinancial145x80x33 1x9V or Bat packY/N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-15 LED<=1977>=19784 funct+2011_06_18N1 13+4memN31LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0981NL1/x x^2 Sqrt K Pi % ( ) +/- STO RCL SUM EXC145x80x33 1x9V   Italy, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-31TI-31 LED<=1977>=1979Financial+Stat2009_12_22N>=1 33+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0982NLlnx e^x x^2 Sqrt N %i PMT PV FV (Compute N %i PMT PV FV) % Delta% CST SEL MAR (Compute CST SEL MAR) y^x x^(1/y) Sigma+ Sigma- x<>y LR ( AN-CI ) 1/x m b x' y' (Compute 1/x m b x' y') STO RCL SUM EXC +/-145x80x33 1x9V or bat packY/N TI Money ManagerItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-33  <=1977>=1977Scient2008_10_29N3 28+4memN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0984NL1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) EXC M1 M2 M3145x80x33 Bat packY  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-41  <=1977>=1977Financial2008_10_29N>=1 FinancialN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC0982NLFinancial145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N TI Business AnalystItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-42 MBA  <=1978>=1979Financial2008_10_29Y8 to 12 / 32 to 0 FinancialN40LED8 1/2 or 5 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1502NLFinancial145x80x33 1x9V or batt packY/N The MBAItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-45TI-45  <=1977>=1980Scient2010_01_02N1 30+4memN40VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1983NL1/x x^2 Sqrt Sin Cos Tan Asin Acos Atan DRG K EE INVEE log lnx 10^x e^x y^x y^(1/x) Pi % ( ) +/- Sto Rcl Sum Exc145x80x33 Bat pack8,5VAC  Italy, : molded logo , printed logo. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.TI-51-IIITI-51-III  <=1977>=1981Scient2009_08_11Y10/32steps 62+5memN40LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1503NLScientific Program145x80x33 Bat pack8.5VAC120mA ItalyDatamath ref.Has molded or printed logo.
TI-55  <=1977>=1979Scient Progr + Financial2009_02_01Y10/32steps Scient Progr + FinancialN40LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1503NLScient Progr + Financial145x80x33 sealed batt pack5.7VAC  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-57TI Programmable 57TI-57 05/1977>=1983Scient Progr2008_10_29Y8+50steps Scient ProgrN40LED8 1/2 + 2 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1501NLScient Progr145x80x33 2xAA batt pack8.5V AC Radio Shack-4000Italy, : with a molded logo , printed logo. 
TI Programmable 58TI-58 05/1977>=1980Scient Progr2008_10_29Y0-60 / 480-0 steps Scient ProgrN45LED11 1/2NYExtNNTI TMC0501NLScient Progr163x73x36240gr3xAA bat pack6.2V AC  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-59TI Programmable 59TI-59 05/1977>=1982Scient Progr2008_10_29Y0-100 / 960-0steps Scient ProgrN45LED11 1/2NYExtCard readerNTI TMC0501NLScient Progr163x73x36 3xAA bat pack6.2V AC  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
TI-1000 gold color06/1977>=19784 funct2009_01_09N0 6N20LED8 1/2NNNNNTMC1991 or TMC1992+/- %137x73x32 1x9V9VDC  USADatamath 
TI-1000 silver color1978>=19794 funct2008_09_26N0 6N20LED8 1/2NNNNNTMC1992+/- %137x73x32 1x9V9VDC  USADatamath 
galerie/TI/TI-1025TI-1025  06/1977>=19804 funct2010_02_10N1 6+4memN24VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0923NL+/- % MC MR M- M+137x73x32 1x9V9VDC  El Salvador, Hong Kong ?, USADatamath 
TI-1050  <=1977>=19784 funct2010_02_10N1 8+2memN24VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0921NLREV Sqrt +/- % M MR137x73x32 1x9V9VDC  El Salvador, Italy, USADatamath 
TI-1700 DATACLIPTI-1700 DataClip 06/1977>=19784 funct2008_09_29N1 6+3memN22YLCD8NNNNNToshiba T3551 or T3708+/- % M+ M- MRC28x156x9 3xAG10N  USADatamath 
TI-1750 104/1977>=19774 funct2008_09_29N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3532Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC115x68x9 3xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
TI-1750 212/1977>=19774 funct2008_09_29N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3603Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC115x68x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-1750.v3TI-1750 31978>=19794 funct2009_12_22N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3709Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC115x68x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
TI-1750 41978>=19784 funct2008_09_29N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3023MSqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC115x68x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
TI 2550-IVTI-2550-IV 1978>=19794 funct2008_09_21N1 8+2memN24VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMC1981NL, TMC0999NL% +/- M MR < > (playback control)147x81x32 2xAA bat packY  TurkeyDatamath ref.Up to 20 steps Payback Control.
galerie/TI/TI-5025TI-5025  06/1978>=19804 funct2009_01_30N1 6+4memN24VFD8+indicNNYNNTI TMC0262NL^ % MC MR M- M+165x76x50 7xAA sealedY  USADatamath ref. 
LITTLE PROFESSOR LED 219781980Game2007_09_14N0 4N19LED7+2NNNNNTI TMC1993Gaming127x79x29 1x9VN   Datamath 
Spelling B 1<=1978>=1979Game2010_05_12N  GameY38VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0272NL + TMC1984NLGame157x86x29 1x9VN  El Salvador, USADatamath 
Spelling B 2<=1980>=1980Game2010_05_12N  GameY38VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0274, TMC0355 (CD2602)Game157x86x29 1x9VN  USADatamath 
DataCardTI-1760 DataCard 1979>=19794 funct2009_01_30N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+97x58x6 2xL122N  El SalvadorDatamath 
Business Card  1979>=19794 funct2008_09_30N1 18+1memN28LCD8+indicNNNNN % Sqrt x^2 1/x +/- Delta% K CPT DUE FV PV PMT %i N M97x58x6 2xL122N  El SalvadorDatamath 
DataChronTI-1790 1978>=19784 funct+clock2008_09_30N1 7+4mem+6clkN31YLCD8+indicNNNNYToshiba T3566Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC StartStop LapReset TimeCall Day Date Time135x68x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
DataChronTI-1790 II 1979>=19834 funct+clock2008_09_30N1 7+4mem+6clkN31YLCD8+indicNNNNYToshiba T3566Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC StartStop LapReset TimeCall Day Date Time135x68x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath 
galerie/TI/TI-1035TI-1035  <=1979>=19824 funct2009_01_01N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3703 or T3709SSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+110x65x8 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
Mr Challenger  <=1979>=1980Game2009_01_01N  GameY38VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0273, TMC0355 (CD2601)Game152x89x28 1x9VN  USADatamath ref. 
LANGUAGE TUTOR  <=1979>=1981Tutor2009_01_01N  TutorY45VFD10.NYNNNTI TMC0275, TMC0280 + Module: 4*TMC0350 Language Tutor203x88x30 4xAA6VDC  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_LANGUAGE_TRANSLATORLANGUAGE TRANSLATOR  <=1979>=1980Translator2009_01_01N  TranslatorY45VFD10.NYNNNTI TMC0280NL CD2801 + ??? (Ext ROM TMC0350NL CD2312 + TMC0350NL CD2314 + 2x???)Translator203x88x30 4xAA6VDC  USADatamath ref. 
LANGUAGE TEACHER  <=1980>=1980Tutor2009_01_01N  TutorY45VFD10.NYNNNTI TMC0280 + Module: TMC0350,Language Tutor203x88x30 4xAA6VDC  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.Spelling_ABCSpelling ABC  <=1979>=1980Game2010_01_02N  GameY38VFD8.NNNNNTI TMC0274NL + TMC0355Game157x86x29 1x9VN  Italy  
Speak & Spell 106/19781980Game2008_08_31N  GameY40VFD9NNNNNTI TMC0171, TMC0281, TMC0351, TMC0352Game254x176x33 4xC6.0V 285mA   Datamath ref.Round keys.
galerie/TI/TI_Speak&Spell_LaDicteeMagiqueLa Dictée MagiqueSpeak & Spell2<=1979>=1984Game2008_08_31N  GameY40VFD9NNNNNTI CD2702, CD2801, CD2352Game254x176x33 4xC6.0V 285mA Speak & Spell (version 2)ItalyDatamath ref.Membrane keyboard.
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-25.version1TI-25 11978>=1978Scient2011_11_13N1 35+4memN40LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3763Scient134x74x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-25TI-25 21978>=1979Scient2008_10_29N1 35+4memN40LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0326Scient134x74x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-50TI-50  <=1978>=1980Scient2010_02_10N2 29+4mem+5statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0321N1/x x^2 Sqrt % sin cos tan DRG EE log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- x! asin acos atan EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) Pi M1 M2 STO EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman135x74x982gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI Business Analyst-II  <=1978>=1980Financial2008_10_29N1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNTI TP0322Financial135x74x982gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-53 1<=1978>=1985Scient2008_10_29Y1/32steps 27+4mem+4progN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP03231/x x^2 Sqrt % sin cos tan DRG EE log lnx y^x Pi ( ) +/- asin acos atan EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) STO RCL sum exc LRN SST R/S rst135x74x982gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-20  <=1979>=1980Scient2008_10_29N1 28+4memN37LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNToshiba T3763sin cos tan asin acos atan D.R.G EE Sqrt log lnx y^x 1/x Pi ( ) +/- EE^ x^2 10^x e^x y^(1/x) K x! STO RCL SUM EXC134x74x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-35_v1TI-35 11979>=1982Scient2008_10_29N>=1 29+4mem+6statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNTI TP0324-4NLx! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EEv log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman135x75x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-38  <=1979>=1981Scient2008_10_29N1 33+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNTI CD4507B-NL or TI TP0326x<>y P>R DD>DMS sin cos tan DRG EE^ Sqrt log lnx y^x 1/x Pi ( ) +/- P135x75x1082gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI Investment Analyst  <=1979>=1980Financial2008_10_29N1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNTI TP0320-4NL/CD3201 Financial135x75x1082gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-44TI-44  <=1979>=1983Financial2008_10_29N8 ? 38+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0322Financial135x75x1082gr2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-58CTI Programmable 58CTI-58C 1979>=1982Scient Progr2008_10_29Y0-60 / 480-0 steps Scient ProgrN45LED11 1/2NYExtConstant MemoryNTI TMC0501E-NLScient Progr163x73x36 3xAA bat pack6.2V AC  Holland, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30_LCD_v1TI-30 LCD 1<=1980>=1982Scient2009_03_17N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0320-4NL/CD3202 or TI CD3202-4NL1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC134x75x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30_LCD_v2TI-30 LCD 2<=1982>=1985Scient2009_03_17N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI CD4515NL or TI CD4565NL 1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) n! STO RCL SUM EXC134x75x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-35B  198x Scient2008_10_29N>=1 29+4mem+6statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemN x! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EEv log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman135x75x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  BrazilDatamath ref. 
SR-40 LCDSR-40-LCD 1980>=1983Scient2009_01_08N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryN 1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC134x75x 2xAAN  BrazilDatamath ref. 
TI-5112  <=1980>=19804 funct desktop2007_08_31N1 10+4memN27LCD10+indicNNNNNToshiba T6736+/- -> EX MUD Sqrt % CM RM M-= M+=183x127x41 2xAAN  JapanDatamath ref. 
LITTLE PROFESSOR LED 319801982Game2007_09_14N0 4N19LED7+2NNNNNTI TMC1993Gaming127x79x29 1x9VN   Datamath 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI_1750-IITI 1750-IITI-1750-II 1980>=19804 funct2011_11_13N1 7+4memN24YLCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3709Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR MC112x66x8 2xLR54 (1.5Vcell)N ~ Toshiba LC-825JapanDatamath 
Speak & Spell 21980>=1986Game2008_08_31N  GameY40VFD9NNNNNTI TMC0271, TMC0281, TMC0351, TMC0352Game254x176x33 4xC6.0V 285mA   Datamath ref.Membrane keyboard.
TI-30-II 1<=1981>=1981Scient2008_10_29N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0320-4NL/CD32021/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan DRG> K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC135x74x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-35v2TI-35 21981>=1984Scient2008_10_29N>=1 29+4mem+6statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNTI TP0324NL or TI CD4557NLx! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EEv log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman135x75x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI ConverterTI-1890 <=1981>=1983Unit convertion2008_10_29N3 Unit convertionsN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNN NTI CD4509A-N2LUnit convertions135x74x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
BA-35Student Business Analyst1<=1982>=1984Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI CD4571BN2LFinancial135x74x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
LOGpit  <=1981>=19824 funct+2008_10_29NY 24+4timeN40LCD8+indicNNNmemYCD45644 funct+134x74x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref : blue logo , white logo. 
TI-2001 GTI english km<=1982>=19824 funct+2008_10_29NY 24+4timeN40LCD8+indicNNNmemYCD45644 funct+134x74x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-2001 GTI english miles<=1982>=19824 funct+2008_10_29NY 24+4timeN40LCD8+indicNNNmemYCD45644 funct+134x74x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-2001 GTI french<=1982>=19824 funct+2008_10_29NY 24+4timeN40LCD8+indicNNNmemYCD45644 funct+134x74x24 2xAAN  Italy, USADatamath ref : black housing , white housing. 
TI-30-II 2<=1983>=1983Scient2008_10_29N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI CD4565NL1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan DRG> K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC135x74x9 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1030  1978>=19804 funct2011_04_17N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-1070  1978>=19794 funct2009_10_25N1 9+1memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0314+/- 1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi M116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-1001  <=1981>=19834 funct2009_10_25N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-1010  <=1978>=19804 funct2009_10_25N0 6N20LCD8+indicNNNNNTP0311Sqrt %116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N   Datamath 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-1031TI-1031  <=1981>=19814 funct2009_12_22N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1032  <=1982>=19834 funct2008_12_06N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+135x74x25 2xAAN : 1 , 2Same case than the TI 30 LCD model.
TI-1040  <=1981>=19814 funct2009_10_25N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 ? 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1850Visor Kit1<=1981>=19814 funct2009_10_25N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 ? 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1850Visor Kit2<=1984>=19844 funct2009_10_25N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 ? 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
Letter Logic  <=1981>=1981Game2010_02_10N  GameY38VFD8. NNNNTI TMC0273NL + TMC03558NL CD2604Game156x86x29 1x9VN  Italy  
TI-CheckwriterTI-1880 <=1981>=19824 funct+clock2009_10_25N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+116x67x10 ? 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N   Datamath ref. 
Time ManagerTI-2000 Time Manager <=1981>=19824 funct2009_10_25N1 5+2mem+8timeN24LCD8+indicNNNNYTI CD4558NL% STO RCL SET AL1 AL2 T note bird ST-SP LAP116x67x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-5010TI-5010  1981>=19844 funct print2009_12_22N1 8+4memN27LCD10+indicNNYNNToshiba T6734AS^ # % T MT MS M-= M+=196x75x45 4xAA6V  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-40 11981>=1982Scient2008_10_30Y>=1 29+4mem+5statN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNTI CD4507x! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EEv log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-54  1981>=1982Scient2008_10_30Y8 ScientN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNTI CD4555 + CD4551Scient147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-55-II(prototype) 19811981Scient2008_10_30Y1-8 / 56-0steps 73+5mem+11prgN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNCD4555, CD4556Scient147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-55-II 119811984Scient2010_06_06Y1-8 / 56-0steps 73+5mem+11prgN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNTI CD4555, CD4556Scient147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-55-II Brazil1982>=1983Scient2009_01_28Y1-8 / 56-0steps 73+5mem+11prgN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNTI CD4555, CD4556Scient168x79x28 2xAAN  BrazilDatamath ref. 
TI-57 LCD US<=1982>=1982Scient Progr2008_10_30Y1-8 / 48-0steps Scient progN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD4572N2L + TP0456NLScient + Programmable148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-57_LCDTI-57 LCD Europe<=1982>=1984Scient Progr2010_04_02Y1-8 / 48-0steps Scient progN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD4572N2L + TP0456NLScient + Programmable148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI Programmable 88TI-88 19821982Scient Progr2008_10_30Y0-120 / 0-960 Scient ProgrY45LCD16NY   CD 2901, CD2902, TP531C, CD5402Scient Progr152x76x38 1xAAY  USADatamath ref.Prototype.
galerie/TI/TI_LCD_ProgrammerTI LCD Programmer  <=1982>=1984Logical2008_10_30N1 logicalN40LCD8+indicNNNNNCD4569logical147x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
E.T. CALCULATOR  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_01N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+117x66x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-5000 MICRO PRINTER  <=1982>=19824 funct printer2009_01_01N1 6+4memN25LCD10+indicNNYNNToshiba T6761% ADV MC MR M- M+130x71x22 4xAAAY  JapanDatamath ref. 
BA-55Professional Business Analyst <=1983>=1983Financial2008_10_30Y5-0 / 40-0steps FinancialN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI CD4553 + CD4554Financial148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1706 1<=1983>=19844 funct2011_06_04N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3129Sqrt % MC MR M- M+121x65x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1706 2<=1983>=19834 funct2009_01_09N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3129Sqrt % MC MR M- M+121x65x948grNsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1706 3<=1984>=19844 funct2009_01_09N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3129Sqrt % MC MR M- M+121x65x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1744  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 11+4memN30LCD8+indicNNNNNNec uPD1831G() Pi +/- x^2 1/x Sqrt % MC MR M- M+99x61x8 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1754  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 7+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN % note Sqrt M+ M- MRC56x97x5 2xLR389N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1750 III  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_12_06N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNTI TP0311Sqrt % MC MR M- M+117x66x10 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
TI-1755  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 7+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN note Sqrt % MRC M- M+100x60x7 2xLR1130N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1755 SLR  <=1983>=19834 funct2008_10_12N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- Sqrt % MC MR M- M+102x61x6 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref.Exists in 2 variations.
TI-1756  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 7+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN note Sqrt % MRC M- M+102x61x6 YN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1757 II  <=1983>=19834 funct2008_10_12N1 7+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN note b/# % MRC M- M+102x61x6 2xLR389N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 1<=1981>=19824 funct2008_12_06N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6758SSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar Toshiba LC-847JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 2<=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6758SSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 3<=1983>=19834 funct2008_10_12N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6758SSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 4<=1983>=19834 funct2008_10_12N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6758BSSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1767  <=1983>=19834 funct2008_10_12N1 6+4memN24LCD10+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+122x66x10 Nsolar   Datamath ref. 
TI-1776  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_10_12N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6789SSqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+95x56x6 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1780  <=1983>=19844 funct2009_07_21N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN % Sqrt MC MR M- M+58x99x7 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1788  <=1982>=19824 funct+clock2008_10_12N1 5+3mem+timeN25LCD8+indicNNNNY % MRC M- M+ time  YN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1788 II  <=1982>=19824 funct+clock2008_10_12N1 5+3mem+timeN25LCD8+indicNNNNYNec uPD1032G% M- M+ MRC time91x57x8 YN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1788 III  <=1984>=19854 funct+clock2008_10_12N1 6+3mem+timeN26LCD8+indicNNNNYToshiba T6798SSqrt % MRC M- M+ time99x58x8 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_TI-501_V1TI-501 1<=1982>=19824 funct2009_06_11N1 6+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshibaSqrt % MC MR M- M+122x69x19 2xAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1002  <=1983>=19834 funct2008_12_06N1 6+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % M+ M- MRC100x60x7 2xLR1130N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/1006TI-1006  <=1982>=19834 funct2011_04_17N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6789SSqrt % MC MR M- M+118x65x8 Nsolar Toshiba HB-103JapanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-1015TI-1015  1981>=19824 funct2009_12_22N1 7+3memN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T3870S% Sqrt +/- M- M+ MRC141x75x19 2xAAN : black , whiteExists in 2 differents colors (brown ans white).
TI-1020  1981>=19824 funct2008_12_06N1 10+3memN27LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI30091/x x^2 Sqrt x^n % Pi M- M+ MRC141x75x19 2xAAN : black , whiteExists in 2 differents colors (brown ans white).
TI-1036  <=1983>=19834 funct2008_12_06N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % M+ M- MRC100x60x7 2xLR1130N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-5008MICRO PRINTER1<=1982>=19824 funct print2009_01_01N1 7+4memN25LCD8 + indicNNYNN Sqrt % ^ MC MR M- M+130x71x22 3xAAAY  JapanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_TI-5008_v2TI-5008MICRO PRINTER2<=1982>=19854 funct print2009_03_17N1 7+4memN25LCD8 + indicNNYNN Sqrt % ^ MC MR M- M+130x71x22 3xAAAY  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-5020  <=1982>=19844 funct desktop2009_01_30N1 10+4memN28LCD10+indicNNNNNToshiba T6897Sqrt EX MUD -> +/- % MC MR M-= M+=191x130x43 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-5022  <=1983>=19844 funct desktop2011_10_16N1 10+4memN28LCD12+indicNNNNNToshiba T6897Sqrt EX MUD -> +/- % MC MR M-= M+=192x129x49 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-5100 II  <=1983>=19844 funct desktop2007_08_31N1 10+4memN28VFD10+indicNNNNNHitachi HD38401Sqrt EX MUD -> +/- % MC MR M-= M+=191x130x43 2xAAN  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-15 LCD 1<=1982>=19824 funct2008_11_02N1 11+4memN30LCD8+indicNNNNN 1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi % () MC MR M- M+140x71x18 2xAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-18  <=1982>=19824 funct2008_11_02N1 11+4memN30LCD8+indicNNNNNNec uPD1831G1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi % () MC MR M- M+99x61x8 2xAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref : 1 , 2. 
TI-21  <=1982>=1982Scient2008_11_02N1 25+3memN40LCD8+indicNNNNN DRG ->DMS <-DD sin cos tan asin acos atan Pi log lnx 10^x e^x y^x 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE % +/- STO RCL SUM155x76x18 2xAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30DTI-30 DTI-30D <=1982>=1982Scient2009_01_01N1 28+4memN40LCD8+indicNNNNNTI CD4565NLScient190x136x37 2xAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref.Desk model with scientific functions (the same functions than the TI-30).
TI-30 SLR 1<=1982>=1982Scient2008_10_30N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6825S1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- asin acos atan DRG> EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC136x68x9 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR 2<=1982>=1985Scient2009_01_08N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974S1/x x^2 Sqrt sin cos tan DRG K EEv log lnx y^x Pi % ( ) +/- asin acos atan DRG> EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x! STO RCL SUM EXC136x68x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
LITTLE PROFESSOR LCD 1<=1982>=1982Game2010_02_10N0 6N18LCD NNNNNCD4570Gaming135x84x33 2xAAN  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_LITTLE_PROFESSOR_LCD2LITTLE PROFESSOR LCD 2<=1982>=1983Game2009_03_17N0 6N18LCD NNNNNCD4570Gaming134x75x24 2xAAN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_Les_Maths_MagiquesLes Maths Magiques  <=1982>=1982learning aid2009_03_17N  learning aidN26//NNNNN learning aid137x216x40 1x9VN  Italy  
TI-2200TI-2200 Checkwriter1<=1982>=19844 funct+checkbook2008_12_26N3 7+12memN34LCD8+indicNNNmemNNec uPD1833DM % +/- 1:+ - BAL1 2:+ - BAL2 3:+ - BAL3 GT69x155x8 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-2200TI-2200 II Checkwriter2<=1984>=19844 funct+checkbook2008_12_26N3 7+10memN32LCD8+indicNNNmemNNec uPD1833DM % +/- 1:+ - BAL1 2:+ - BAL2 3:+ - BAL3 GT69x155x8 2xLR1130N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-1100TI-1100 1<=1983>=19844 funct2008_10_04N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6717ASSqrt % MC MR M- M+113x65x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N Similar to Toshiba HB-103TaiwanDatamath ref. 
COMPACT COMPUTER 40CC 40 03/1983>=1983Basic computer2008_12_30Y6KBytes32KBytesBasicY69+1LCD31+indicNYExtY TI TMS70C20 Basic148x235x28650gr (with bat)4xAAY  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-66_PROGRAMMABLETI-66 PROGRAMMABLETI-66 <=1983>=1988Scient Progr2011_11_13Y0-64 / 512-0 steps Scientific+prY49LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNExtMemNToshiba T6875A TC5514APL-3 or TC5514APL-2Scientific+prog87x145x14 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-45MICRO SCIENTIFIC PRINTER <=1984>=1984Scient Printer2009_01_09N>=1 34+4mem+8stat+2printN41LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNYNNToshiba T6973, T6869 x! 1/x % ->DD x^2 sin cos tan DRG EE log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- P->R R->P Sqrt asin acos atan ->DMS vEE 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman ADV PRINT155x74x23 4xAAA5VDC 
BA-45MICRO BUSINESS MANAGER <=1983>=1984Business Printer2009_01_30N>=1 FinancialN34LCD10+indicNNYNNNEC uPD7503, Toshiba T6869 Financial155x74x23 4xAAA5VDC 
galerie/TI/TI-55IIv2TI-55 IITI-55-II21984>=1984Scient Progr2009_01_28Y1-8 / 56-0steps 73+5mem+11prgN45LCD8+2+indicNNNmemNTI TP0456N2L (CD4555), TP0456NL (CD4556)Scient147x76x17 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR PLUS  <=1985>=1987Scient2008_11_02N1 34+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EEv log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan EE^ 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD Pi DD->DMS STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x69x10 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1795 1<=1984>=19854 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+124x107x25 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1889TI-1889 Metric <=1984>=19844 funct+conversion2010_06_29N1 6+3mem+20convN25LCD8+indicNNNNN % +<>- RM M- M+ 20 units convertions112x66x8 YN  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-1895  <=1984>=19844 funct+conversion2010_06_29N1 6+3mem+20convN25LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6856S% +<>- RM M- M+ 20 units convertions112x66x8 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-2130  <=1984>=19844 funct2010_06_29N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+135x119x6open 68x119x12closed Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-2150  <=1984>=19844 funct2010_06_29N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- Sqrt % MRC M- M+30x158x6 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-57 II 1<=1984>=1986Scient Progr2011_03_02Y1-7 / 48-0steps Scient ProgrN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD4555, CD4572Scient Progr137x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N : 1. 
galerie/TI/Texas-Instruments.TI-57II.version2TI-57 II 2<=1985>=1986Scient Progr2011_11_05Y1-7 / 48-0steps Scient ProgrN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD4555, CD4572Scient Progr137x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N : 2. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-57_II.version3TI-57 II 3<=1986>=1989Scient Progr2011_11_13Y1-7 / 48-0steps Scient ProgrN45LCD8+2+indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD4555, CD4572Scient Progr137x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N : 3. 
BA-IIEXECUTIVE BUSINESS ANALYST1<=1984>=1985Financial2008_11_02Y>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0322Financial134x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
BA-IIEXECUTIVE BUSINESS ANALYST2<=1985>=1989Financial2008_11_02Y>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0322Financial134x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 III 1<=1984>=1985Scient2008_11_02N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD45651/x x^2 Sqrt DRG> sin cos tan y^x K EE log lnx Pi % ( ) +/- asin scos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, : 1 , 2. 
TI-30 III 2<=1985>=1985Scient2008_11_02N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD45651/x x^2 Sqrt DRG> sin cos tan y^x K EE log lnx Pi % ( ) +/- asin scos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 III 3<=1984>=1984Scient2008_11_02N1 29+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNCD45651/x x^2 Sqrt DRG> sin cos tan y^x K EE log lnx Pi % ( ) +/- asin scos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30_GALAXYTI-30 GALAXY 11984>=1986Scient2008_10_31N>=1 42+4memN42LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6975S or T6975ASScient88x153x17 1xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 GALAXY SLR  1984>=1985Scient2011_08_08N>=1 42+4memN42LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6975ASScient88x153x17 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 GALAXY  1984>=1984Scient2008_10_31N>=1 42+4memN42LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6975SScient88x153x17 1xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 GALAXY SOLAR  1985>=1985Scient2008_10_31N>=1 42+4memN42LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6975ASScient88x153x17 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 SOLAR  <=1984>=1984Scient2008_11_08N>=1 35+4mem+7statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % x^2 sin cos tan DRG EE log lnx y^x K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan DRG-> EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y P->R R->P DMS-DD Pi DD-DMS STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman134x71x11 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 II 1<=1984>=1984Scient2008_11_02N>=1 31+4mem+6statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTP0456 or CD4557x! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman134x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 II 2<=1984>=1985Scient2008_11_02N>=1 31+4mem+6statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTP0456A or CD4557x! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman134x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-37 GALAXY SOLAR  1985>=1987Scient2008_10_31N>=1 ScientN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7768Scient88x153x17 Nsolar : 1 , 2.Exists in 2 versions.
PROGRAMMER II  <=1985>=1985Logical2008_10_30N1 LogicalN40LCD8NNNmemNTI CD4569Logical147x76x17 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-53 2<=1985>=1986Scient Progr2008_10_30Y1+32steps Scient ProgrN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNTI TP0323A-NLScient Progr135x75x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.TI-56TI-56  <=1985>=1986Scient Progr2009_07_13Y0-8 / 64-0steps Scientific ProgN45LCD8 1/2 + 2 1/2 + indicNNNNN Scientific Prog147x74x16 2x1.5VcellN  Italy, : 1, 2 , 3. 
TI-55 III 1<=1985>=1985Scient Progr2008_10_30Y1-8 / 56-0steps Scient ProgrN45LCD8+2+indicNNNMemNCD4555, CD4556Scient Progr148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-55 III 2<=1986>=1986Scient Progr2008_10_30Y1-8 / 56-0steps Scient ProgrN45LCD8+2+indicNNNMemNCD4555, CD4556Scient Progr148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
TI-1100 II 1<=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_07N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6958SSqrt % MRC M- M+112x65x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1100 II 2<=1985>=19864 funct2008_12_07N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6958SSqrt % MRC M- M+112x65x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1100 II 3<=1985>=19894 funct2008_12_07N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+112x65x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1103  <=1986>=19864 funct2008_12_07N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+112x65x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N : blue & red. 
LITTLE PROFESSOR LCD 3<=1985>=1986Game2008_09_28N0 6N18LCD NNNNNCD4570Gaming135x83x33 2xAAN  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_LITTLE_PROFESSOR_LCDv4LITTLE PROFESSOR LCD 4<=1985>=1993Game2008_09_28N0 6N18LCD NNNNNCD4570Gaming135x72x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
BA-35STUDENT BUSINESS ANALYST2<=1985>=1986Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI CD4571BN2LFinancial135x70x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/BA-54BA-54BUSINESS PROGRAMMABLE <=1986>=1988Financial2010_02_10Y0-5 / 40-0steps FinancialN45LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNMemNCD4553, CD4554Financial147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-74 BASICALCTI-74 <=1985>=1987Scient Progr2008_12_30Y8KBytes32KBytesScient ProgY61LCD31+indicNYExtExtNTI TMC70009Scientific Programmable95x204x24 4xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-74STI-74 STI-74S <=1985>=1991Scient Progr2009_01_09Y8KBytes32KBytesScient ProgY61LCD31+indicNYExtExtNTI TMC70009Scientific Programmable95x204x24 4xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-95_PROCALTI-95 PROCALTI-95 <=1985>=1987Scient Progr2010_02_02Y8Ko (7200B available)32KBytesScient ProgY60LCD16+5x3+indicNYExtExtNTI TMC70011Scientific Programmable95x204x24 4xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-1505TI-1505  <=1985>=19874 funct2008_12_12N1 6+4memN24LCD8 + indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+96x61x6 1x1.5VcellN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1606  <=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_12N1 7+3memN24LCD8 + indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+98x62x5 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1626  <=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8 + indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+56x86x6 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1706 II  <=1985>=19864 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar : 1 , 2 
TI-1746  <=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x64x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1784TI CARD <=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_14N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN % +/- Sqrt MRC M- M+53x86x3 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1786TI CARD <=1985>=19854 funct2008_12_14N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN % +/- Sqrt MRC M- M+53x86x3 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1798 1<=1985>=19864 funct2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24+2LCD10+indic + 4NNNNY +/- % MC MR M- M+135x107x30 1xLR41 + 1xLR1130solar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1895 IIMETRIC <=1986>=19944 funct+conversion2008_12_14N1 7+3mem+20convN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- RM M- M+ 20 units convertions112x66x8 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
808TI-808 <=1986>=19874 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MC MR M- M+119x107x23 Nsolar : 1 , 2 
TI-10PROFIT GUIDE <=1986>=19864 funct++2008_10_12N1+ 6+3mem+6cost calcN29LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SEL/CST CST/SEL CST/MAR MAR MAR SEL122x66x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
BA-IIIEXECUTIVE BUSINESS ANALYST <=1986>=1987Financial2008_10_30Y>=1 FinancialN45LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNConstant MemoryNTI TP0458B CD4812Financial148x79x18 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-31 LCD<=1986>=1986Scient2009_01_09N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x10 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-31 SOLAR 1<=1986>=1988Scient2009_01_09N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x10 Nsolar  Japan, ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-31_SOLAR_v2TI-31 SOLAR 2<=1988>=1989Scient2009_03_17N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNN x! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman141x73x10 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-31 SOLAR 3<=1989>=1989Scient2009_01_09N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x10 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-36 SOLAR 1<=1986>=1986Scient2009_01_09N>=1 ScientN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7768Scient137x71x10 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-36 SOLAR 2<=1990>=1990Scient2009_01_09N>=1 ScientN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7768Scient137x71x1068grNsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/52TI-52 1<=1986>=1987Scient2008_10_31N>=1 ScientN42LCD10+indicNNNNNToshiba T7767SScient88x152x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-52 SOLAR  1986>=1988Scient2008_10_31N>=1 ScientN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7768Scient88x153x17 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-52 2<=1986>=1990Scient2008_10_31N>=1 ScientN42LCD10+indicNNNNNToshiba T7767SScient88x152x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-502TI-502  <=1985>=19914 funct2011_10_03N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI-3135Sqrt % MRC M- M+114x66x22 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  Taiwan, : blue, red , yellow.Exists in 4 different colors (black, blue, red or yellow).
TI-505  <=1986>=19864 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+56x83x6 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-506TI-506  <=1986>=19864 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+114x66x22 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-603  <=1985>=19864 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x67x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-605 1<=1986>=19864 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x67x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-605 2<=1986>=19874 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x67x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-606 11986>=19864 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+118x68x7 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-606TI-606 2198719904 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+118x68x7 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-606 31989>=19914 funct2008_11_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3135MRSqrt % MRC M- M+118x68x7 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-607  1989>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+  Nsolar   Datamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-5005TI-5005  <=1986>=19864 funct print2009_01_01N1 6+3mem+2printN26LCD10+indicNNYNNMitsubishi M50711DEC % MRC M- M+ P-NP ^174x81x33 4xAA6VDC  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-5005 II 11986>=19894 funct print2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4printN28LCD10+indicNNYNN DEC GPM % MRC M- M+ ^ # P/NP 5/4178x81x35 4xAA6VDC  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
Speak & Spell 31986>=1990Game2008_09_29N  GameY40VFD9NNNNNTI TMC0271, TMC0281 (CD2801), CD2350AGame254x176x33 4xC6.0V 285mA   Datamath ref.Membrane keyboard.
BA-SOLARBUSINESS ANALYST1<=1986>=1986Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNNNToshiba T7917Financial141x73x10 Nsolar  JapanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_BA-SOLAR_v2BA-SOLARBUSINESS ANALYST2<=1987>=1987Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNNNToshiba T7917Financial141x73x10 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
BA-SOLARBUSINESS ANALYST3<=1988>=1988Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNNNToshiba T7917Financial141x73x10 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.TI-1104.version11104TI-11041<=1986>=19904 funct2011_10_04N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+113x65x10 1xLR43N  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref.Exists in differents colors.
1104TI-11042<=1988>=19914 funct2011_10_04N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+113x65x10 1xLR43N  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref.Exists in differents colors.
TI-1105 1<=1986>=19884 funct2008_12_07N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- Sqrt % MRC M- M+113x65x10 Nsolar : 1 & 2. 
TI-1106  <=1987>=19874 funct2008_12_07N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- Sqrt % MRC M- M+113x65x10 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 II 1<=1986>=19864 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x63x855grNsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 II 2<=1986>=19874 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x63x855grNsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 II 3<=1988>=19904 funct2008_12_12N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x63x855grNsolar  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1768 1<=1986>=19874 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3135MSSqrt % MRC M- M+117x69x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-2200 IITI-2200 II Checkwriter1<=1987>=19904 funct+checkbook2008_12_26N3 7+10memN32LCD8+indicNNNmemN % DM key 1:DEP CHK BAL1 2:PMT CHG BAL2 3:PMT CHG BAL3 GT68x153x6 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)solar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-2200 IITI-2200 II Checkwriter2<=1991>=19954 funct+checkbook2008_12_26N3 7+10memN32LCD8+indicNNNmemN % DM key 1:DEP CHK BAL1 2:PMT CHG BAL2 3:PMT CHG BAL3 GT68x153x6 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)solar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
PAPERLESS PRINTERTI-2800 <=1987>=19874 funct desktop2009_01_01N1+99 10+4memN28LCD8+6linesx8NNNNNToshiba T7971, T7724v ^ LINE ENTER +/- % MC MR M- M+168x124x13 3xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
Number Beat 1<=1987>=19874 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+111x64x1085gr1xLR43N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_le_Calcul_magiquele Calcul magique  <=1987>=1987Game2010_02_10N0 GameN27no0NNNNN Game108x176x33 4xAAN  Italy With voice synthetizer.
PERSONAL BANKERTI-2600 <=1987>=1988Financial2008_11_09N>=1 7+3mem+7N25+7LCD10+indicNNNNNToshibaDEC % +/- MRC M- M+137x76x15closed Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
Math ExplorerTI-121<=1987>=19884 funct+2008_11_09N1 23+4memN42LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M39SUnit / F<>D Pi Simp Ab/c x<>y Cons Fix x^2 10^n 1/x y^x INT/ Sqrt % ( ) +<>- x<>M M- M+ MR142x71x11 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1706 III  <=1988>=19904 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3135MSSqrt % MRC M- M+112x71x9 Nsolar : 1 , 2 
TI-1768 2<=1989>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x69x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_30_GALAXY_v2TI 30 GALAXYTI-30 GALAXY2<=1986>=1990Scient2009_03_17N>=1 42+4memN42LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4808Scient88x153x17 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-18 SLR  <=1985>=19854 funct2008_11_03N1 11+4memN29LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba1/x x^2 Sqrt Pi % () +/- MC MR M- M+119x66x10 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas-Instruments.TI_30.v1TI 30TI-301<=1985>=1986Scient2008_11_09N1 ScientN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4565Scient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI 30TI-302<=1986>=1987Scient2008_11_09N1 ScientN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4565Scient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI_30.v3TI 30TI-303<=1986>=1988Scient2008_11_09N1 ScientN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4565Scient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. ou Datamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30_v4TI-30 4<=1989>=1990Scient2008_11_09N1 ScientN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4565Scient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI30STAT_v0TI 30 STATTI-30 STAT 0<=1985>=1986Scient2011_04_17N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4557Ax! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- meanx sigma^2 sigma135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 1 2 
TI 30 STATTI-30 STAT 1<=1987>=1989Scient2011_04_17N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4557AScient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30STAT_v3TI 30 STATTI-30 STAT 2<=1988>=1988Scient2011_04_17N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4557AScient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 STAT 3<=1989>=1989Scient2011_04_17N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4557AScient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30STAT_v4TI-30 STAT 4<=1989>=1992Scient2011_04_17N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNCD4557AScient135x71x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-1775 1<=1987>=19884 funct2008_12_14N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+150x122x9open Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1775 2<=1989>=19924 funct2008_12_14N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MC MR M- M+150x122x9open Nsolar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/32TI-32  <=1987>=1987Scient+stat2008_11_04N>=1 Scient+statN39LCD10 ou 7+2 + indicNNNMemN Scient136x72x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-32 SOLAR  <=1987>=1988Scient+stat2008_11_04N>=1 Scient+statN39LCD10 ou 7+2 + indicNNNMemN Scient145x71x8 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-35 PLUS 1<=1986>=1990Scient+stat2008_11_04N>=1 Scient+statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNmemNToshiba T7767 or T7767SScient+stat137x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  Italy, USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-35_PLUS_v2TI-35 PLUS 2<=1989>=1991Scient+stat2008_11_04N>=1 Scient+statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNmemNToshiba T7767SScient+stat135x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.Business_EdgeBusiness Edge  <=1987>=1989Financial2010_03_28N>=1 FinancialN36+5LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNNNToshiba T9728Financial147x75x11 Nsolar Radio Shack EC-5500TaiwanDatamath ref.Touchscreen.
MINI DATA BANKTI-2700 <=1987>=1988Data bank2011_09_04N2.8KBytes DatabankY36LCD6alpha + 4num + 8numNNNmemYToshiba % +/- MC MR M- M+ + databank139x66x9 3xLR43 (1.5Vcell) + 1xCR1220N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 1, 2. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.PHONE_BANK.TI-2400PHONE BANKTI-2400 <=1987>=1989Data bank2009_12_22N2850Bytes 6+4mem+DatabankY31LCD7alpha + 4num + 8numNNNmem Toshiba T9752A, Sanyo LC3518MRC M- M+ + databank64x102x9 1xCR2016N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SOLAR 1<=1987>=1988Scient2008_11_04N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sqrt 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log ln Pi K ( ) +/- DRG> asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SOLAR 2<=1987>=1990Scient2008_11_04N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sqrt 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log ln Pi K ( ) +/- DRG> asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR+ 1<=1987>=1987Scient2008_11_04N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR+ 2<=1987>=1990Scient2008_11_04N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNN x! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR+ 3<=1988>=1988Scient2008_11_04N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 SLR+ 4<=1989>=1992Scient2010_02_17N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNN x! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-34 1<=1987>=1987Scient2008_11_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7988ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-34 2<=1989>=1989Scient2008_11_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7988ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-34 3<=1989>=1992Scient2009_01_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7988ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-34 4<=1994>=1994Scient2008_11_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7988ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-34 5<=1996>=1998Scient2008_11_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T7988ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-34 6<=1996>=1999Scient2008_11_09N>=1 47+4mem+8stat+6baseN42LCD10+2+indicNNNNN ln log y^x x^2 a^(b/c) 1/x R->P ->DD -> sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh DRG EXP ( ) +/- e^x 10^x y^(1/x) Sqrt d/c x^(1/3) P->P ->DMS FIX asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh DRG-> Pi x<>y x! % FD Sci Eng STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ Sum- meanx sigman-1 sigman Sumx Sumx^2 142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-35 SLR  <=1987>=1989Scient2008_11_08N>=1 35+4mem+7statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974Sx! 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log lnx K ( ) +/- DRG-> Sqrt asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x<>y P->R R->P DMS-DD DD-DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman134x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
305TI-305 <=1987>=19874 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+114x66x10 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  ThailandDatamath ref. 
306TI-3061<=1988>=19884 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+114x66x10 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
306TI-3062<=1988>=19884 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+114x66x10 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
307TI-3071<=1987>=19884 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+58x86x6 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
ElleTI-308 <=1988>=19884 funct2008_12_14N0 5N19LCD8+indicNNNNN %114x66x10 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
NuanceTI-309 <=1988>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 5+3memN21LCD8+indicNNNNN % MRC M- M+89x130x15open Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref.Foldable calculator.
TI-1795 2<=1988>=19924 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+124x107x23 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_Speak&Spell_La_Dictee_Magique_v3La Dictée MagiqueSpeak & Spell3<=1988>=1988Game2008_10_11N  GameY40VFD9NNNNNTI CD2702N2LGame254x176x33 4xC6.0V 285mA Speak & SpellUSA  
galerie/TI/Les_Nombres_MagiquesLes Nombres Magiques  <=1987>=1987Educational toy2010_02_10N  gameN24LCD NNNNN game213x189x26 2xAAN  Italy  
galerie/TI/TI-60TI-60  <=1986>=1991Scient Progr2008_10_30Y1-12 / 84-7steps 70+4memN45LCD10 or 7+2 +indicNNNmemNCD4815AN2S + CD4614AN2SScient Progr147x74x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 1, 2. 
galerie/TI/TI-62_GALAXYTI-62 GALAXY  <=1986>=1990Scient Progr2008_11_02Y1-10 / 100-42steps Scient+progN45LCD10 + 3 + indicNNNmemNCD4810, CD4811Scient Progr88x144x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-65TI-65TECHNICAL ANALYST <=1987>=1988Scient Progr2008_11_02Y1-16 / 100-0steps Scient+progN45LCD10+2+indicNNNmemY/NTI CD4805 +X5632 CD4806Scient Progr88x144x16 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-68ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC1<=1989>=1990Scient Progr2008_11_09Y0-55 / 440-0steps Scient+progY44LCD12+indicNNNmemNToshiba T9948AScient Progr152x76x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_TI-68_V2TI-68ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC2<=1990>=1992Scient Progr2009_06_11Y0-55 / 440-0steps Scient+progY44LCD12+indicNNNmemNToshiba T9948AScient Progr152x76x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-68ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC3<=1995>=1999Scient Progr2008_11_09Y0-55 / 440-0steps Scient+progY44LCD12+indicNNNmemNToshiba T9948AScient Progr152x76x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  China, MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
BA-35BUSINESS ANALYST <=1989>=1990Financial2008_11_09N>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNN NCD4571Financial135x70x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-108TI-108  <=1987>=19974 funct2010_02_10N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3135MS+/- Sqrt % MRC M- M+112x65x10 Nsolar  China, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-608 1<=1987>=19874 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN % Sqrt MC MR M- M+120x128x20 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-610TI-610  <=1987>=19894 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24+2LCD10+indic + 4NNNNY +/- % MC MR M- M+120x128x20 1xLR1130 (3Vcell) + 1xLR41 (1.5Vcell)solar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
BA-20Profit Manager1<=1986<=19894 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+6N30+2LCD10+indic + 4NNNNY +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+ CST: SEL MAR SEL: CST MAR MAR: CST SEL120x128x20 1xLR41 (1.5Vcell) + 1xLR1130 (3Vcell)solar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
BA-20Profit Manager2<=1989<=19924 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+6N30+2LCD10+indic + 4NNNNY +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+ CST: SEL MAR SEL: CST MAR MAR: CST SEL120x128x20 1xLR41 (1.5Vcell)solar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-5021  <=1988>=19904 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 11+4memN29+2LCD12+indic + 4NNNNYToshiba T6897 -> RECALL MU/D +/- % IC EX MC MR M-= M+=142x191x30 1xAAN  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-5038PAPER-FREE PRINTER <=1988>=19894 funct desktop2009_01_24N1+99 10+4memN28LCD8+6linesx8NNNNNToshiba T7724, UM6116v ^ LINE ENTER +/- % MC MR M- M+191x196x81 3xAA6VDC  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_GALAXY_10GALAXY 10  <=1987>=19904 funct2008_10_31N1 23+5memN42LCD10+indicNNNMemNTI F->D / FIX -> ( ) |- SIMP D-F F-A^(b/c) % x<>y OP Pi 1/x Sqrt x^2 10^N +/- x<>M MC M- MR M+ 88x153x17 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
GALAXY Junior  <=1988>=19884 funct2008_10_31N1 23+5memN42LCD10+indicNNNMemNCD4816u / FIX -> ( ) |- SIMP D-F F-A^(b/c) % x<>y OP Pi 1/x Sqrt x^2 10^N +/- x<>M MC M- MR M+ 88x153x17 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
Financial Investment AnalystFIA-10 <=1988>=1989Financial2008_11_10N2KB32KBFinancialY/N43LCD6lines 3+12charNNNmem TI TMC70035 (TMS7000)Financial174xx78x16 2xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
Fixed Income Securities SIA  05/1989>=1989Financial2008_11_10N8KB32KBFinancialY/N43LCD6lines 3+12charNNNmem TI TMC70035 (TMS7000)Financial174xx78x16 2xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. : Pre-series , Commercial. 
TI-30 Challenger 1<=1988>=1989Scient2008_11_09N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974SSqrt 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log ln Pi K ( ) +/- DRG> asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30 Challenger 2<=1990>=1991Scient2008_11_09N1 30+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974SSqrt 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan y^x EE log ln Pi K ( ) +/- DRG> asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x x! STO RCL SUM EXC137x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
Collegiate  <=1988>=1989Scient2008_11_10N5 177N42+40LCD10+2+indicNNN N Scient145x78x20closed 2xSR44 (1.5Vcell)N Radio Shack EC-4025TaiwanDatamath ref. 
SC-10Collegiate <=1988>=1989Scient2008_11_10N5 177N42+40LCD10+2+indicNNN N Scient145x78x20closed 2xSR44 (1.5Vcell)N Radio Shack EC-4025TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-106 1<=1989>=19914 funct2009_01_09N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3135MR Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+116x68x944grNsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
LOOKTI-701 Graffiti <=1989>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 5+2memN20LCD8+indicNNNNN % MRC M+86x64x14 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
LOOKTI-702 City Night <=1989>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 5+2memN20LCD8+indicNNNNN % MRC M+86x64x14 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
LOOKTI-703 Blue Ocean <=1989>=19894 funct2008_12_14N1 5+2memN20LCD8+indicNNNNN % MRC M+86x64x14 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-78  <=1989>=1990Programmable2008_12_30Y256KBytes64KBytesProgrammableY39LCD20x8120x64YExtY Oki M80C88Programmable142x79x23 Bat pack + 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  JapanDatamath ref. 
TI-508  <=1989>=19904 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+124x107x23 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
POCKET DIALERTI-3100 <=1989>=19904 funct+dialer2009_01_01N2KB 5+3mem+dialerY38LCD12 num + 12 alpha + indicNNNNYToshiba T9810H + UM95089M for MF tones% MRC M- M+ + dialer134x73x17 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-7000 1<=1989>=19914 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI-3152+/- % MRC M- M+61x89x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-700020th ANNIVERSARY EDITION2<=1992>=19924 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI-3152+/- % MRC M- M+61x89x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-7100 1<=1990>=19914 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+117x64x9 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-7100 2<=1992>=19934 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+117x64x9 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-7200 1<=1989>=19904 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+114x66x11 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-7200 2<=1992>=19934 funct2008_12_26N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+114x64x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-7300  <=1989>=19894 funct desk2008_12_26N1 7+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MC MR M- M+122x107x23 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
Spell-CheckerRR-1 <=1989>=1989Thesaurus2009_01_01N2KBytes128KBytes Y36LCD15+indicNNNNNTMP84C00, TC531000 82x178x26 4xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas-Instruments.Thesaurus_Spell-Checker.RR-2.PS_4500Thesaurus / Spell-CheckerRR-2 , PS 4500 <=1990>=1991Thesaurus2009_10_05N   Y40LCD15+indicNNNNN  82x178x26 4xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
Pocket SpellerPS-3000 <=1990>=1990Thesaurus2009_01_01N2KBytes128KBytes3+3mem+ThesaurusY37LCD15+indicNNNNNToshiba T9989, 23C1024Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR74x127x14 2xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
Pocket Thesaurus/SpellerPS-4000 <=1990>=1990Thesaurus2009_01_01N2KBytes512KBytes3+3mem+ThesaurusY41LCD15+indicNNNNNToshiba T9989A, TC534000Sqrt % +/- M+ M- MR74x127x14 2xAAAN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
POCKET INFOTI-2100 <=1990>=1990Data bank2009_01_01N1+ 4+3mem+DatabankY30LCD8alpha+12numNNNmem Toshiba T9976AMRC M- M+ + databank66x107x10 1xCR2016N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-608 2<=1990>=19904 funct2009_01_01N1 6+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % M+ M- MRC117x69x9 Nsolar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
EUROPA 10TI-611 <=1990>=19954 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 6+4memN24+2LCD8+indic + 4NNNNY % +/- GPM MRC M- M+124x147x23 1xLR1130 (3Vcell)solar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
EUROPATI-3400 <=1990>=19904 funct desktop + databank2009_01_01N2KBytes 5+3mem+databankY39LCD12alpha+12numNNNNYToshiba T9810% MRC M- M+124x147x23 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1100 2<=1990>=19904 funct2008_12_06N1 6+4memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+112x66x9 1xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1766 III  <=1990>=19964 funct2009_01_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x66x9 Nsolar  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1768 II  <=1990>=19954 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3154Sqrt % M+ M- MRC124x69x9 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-35X 11990>=1992Scient+stat2008_11_10N3 Scient+statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A58SScient+stat135x72x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-35XTI-35X 21992>=1993Scient+stat2008_11_10N3 Scient+statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A58SScient+stat135x72x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-35X 31993<=1992Scient+stat2008_11_10N3 Scient+statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A58SScient+stat145x72x10 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_TI-81_V1TI-81 1<=1990>=1992Scient Progr2009_06_11Y8KBytes (2400B availables)128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNToshiba T6A43, LH5160, LH5359Scient+Prog174x81x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/info_bank_TI-2900INFO BANKTI-2900 <=1990>=19934 funct + databank2009_08_09N2KB 5+3mem+DatabankY29+1LCD12alpha+12numNNNmemYToshiba T9810H% MRC M- M+ + Databank120x65x15 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
PRO DIALERTI-3200 <=1990>=1990Data bank2009_01_01N8KBytes 5+4mem+DatabankY46LCD12alpha+12numNNNmemYToshiba T7915-0108, LH5160% M- M+ MC MR + databank138x72x16 2xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
DIALERTI-3200 <=1991>=1991Data bank2009_01_01N8KBytes 5+4mem+DatabankY46LCD12alpha+12numNNNmemYToshiba T7915-0108, LH5160% M- M+ MC MR + databank138x72x16 2xCR2025N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-510  <=1990>=19914 funct2009_01_01N1 8+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN GPM % Sqrt +/- MRC M- M+135x107x30 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)solar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-1798 2<=1990>=19904 funct2009_01_01N1 8+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN GPM % Sqrt +/- MRC M- M+135x107x30 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)solar  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
MathMateTI-7 ~1991>=20034 funct2008_11_10 1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN +<>- ( ) MRC M- M+112x66x9 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
Math ExplorerTI-123<=1991>=19934 funct+2008_11_14N1 23+4memN42LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M39SUnit / F<>D Pi Simp Ab/c x<>y Cons Fix x^2 10^n 1/x y^x INT/ Sqrt % ( ) +<>- x<>M M- M+ MR142x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
Math ExplorerTI-124<=1992>=19934 funct+2008_11_14N1 23+4memN42LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M39SUnit / F<>D Pi Simp Ab/c x<>y Cons Fix x^2 10^n 1/x y^x INT/ Sqrt % ( ) +<>- x<>M M- M+ MR142x71x11 Nsolar  China, MalaysiaDatamath ref. 1, 2. 
TI-5005 II 2<=1991>=19914 funct print2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4printN28LCD10+indicNNYNN DEC GPM % MRC M- M+ ^ # P/NP 5/4178x89x35 4xAA6VDC  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
PS-5600 Translator  1991>=1992Translator+Databank2009_01_01N1calc+5Kbytes TranslatorY62LCD31+indicNNNmemNToshiba T9989ATranslator140x158x14 open, 72x158x20 closed~150gr2xAAA + 1xCR2016 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_PS-6200_OrganiserPS-6200 OrganiserPS-6200 1991>=1992Organizer2009_03_17N32KBytes OrganizerY74LCD3lines x 18char + indicNYNmemYToshiba TMP0210F, T6A21, LH52256Organizer126x148x12open 65x148x19closed 2xCR2025 + 1xCR2016 (3x3Vcell)N Canon DM-4000TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-36X SOLAR 11991>=1991Scient2008_11_11N3 ScientN40LCD10+2+indicNNN NToshiba T6A57Scient135x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-36X SOLAR 2<=1992>=1993Scient2008_11_11N3 ScientN40LCD10+2+indicNNN NToshiba T6A57Scient135x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-36X SOLAR 3<=1993>=1996Scient2008_11_11N3 ScientN40LCD10+2+indicNNN NToshiba T6A57Scient145x71x11 Nsolar Radio Shack EC-4043ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-60XADVANCED SCIENTIFIC <=1991>=1993Scient Progr2008_11_11N1-12 / 96-8 Scient ProgrY44LCD12+indicNNNmemNToshiba T9838Scient Progr152x74x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
BA II PLUSADVANCED BUSINESS ANALYST1<=1991>=1992Financial2008_11_14N10 FinancialY/N44LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNN NToshiba T6A53Financial152x74x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
BS IIBUSINESS SCIENTIFIC1<=1991>=1991Scient+Financial2009_01_01N>=10 Scient+BusinessY/N44LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNNmemNToshiba T6A53HScient+Business151x74x14 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
BS IIBUSINESS SCIENTIFIC2<=1994>=1995Scient+Financial2009_01_01N>=10 Scient+BusinessY/N44LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNNmemNToshiba T6A53Scient+Business151x74x14 1x3VcellN  ItalyDatamath ref. 
GALAXY 9x 11991>=19924 funct2008_11_02N1 27+3memN45LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A60x^2 Sqrt -x % Rationel OP ( ) FIX MRC M+ M- + des fonctions educationnelles88x140x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas_instruments.GALAXY_9.version1GALAXY 9 11992>=19934 funct2011_11_05N1 27+3memN45LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A60 (1111273-4021)x^2 Sqrt -x % Rationel OP ( ) FIX MRC M+ M- + des fonctions educationnelles88x140x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
GALAXY 9x 21993>=19934 funct2008_11_02N1 27+3memN45LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A60x^2 Sqrt -x % Rationel OP ( ) FIX MRC M+ M- + des fonctions educationnelles88x140x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/galaxy9GALAXY 9 21993>=19954 funct2008_11_02N1 27+3memN45LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A60 (1111273-4021)x^2 Sqrt -x % Rationel OP ( ) FIX MRC M+ M- + des fonctions educationnelles88x140x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_GALAXY_40GALAXY 40  <=1991>=1996Scient2008_11_02N1+ ScientN45LCD10 1/2 5 1/2+2 1/2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6A59 (1111273-4031)Scient88x141x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
GALAXY 40x  1991>=1996Scient2009_01_28N1+ ScientN45LCD10 1/2 5 1/2+2 1/2 + indic NNNNToshiba T6A59Scient88x141x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N   Datamath ref. 
GALAXY 40sx  1991>=1996Scient2009_01_28N1+ ScientN45LCD10 1/2 5 1/2+2 1/2 + indic NNNNToshiba T6A59Scient88x141x16 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)solar   Datamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_GALAXY_67GALAXY 67  <=1992>=1995Scient Progr2008_10_11Y0-90 / 1536-0steps (1.5KBytes) ScientY45LCD12+indNNNConstant MemoryNToshiba TMP0620F-8400Scient88x141x21 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-1100+ 1<=1991>=19914 funct2008_12_27N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+104x61x10 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1100+ 2<=1991>=19914 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A73Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+107x64x11 1xLR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.11051105TI-11052<=1991>=19944 funct2009_12_22N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+105x62x12 LR189N : 1 & 2. 
307TI-3072<=1992>=19934 funct2008_12_14N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % MRC M- M+58x86x6 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments_TI_503TI 503TI-503 <=1992>=19924 funct2009_03_17N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+100x63x8 1xLR54N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
507TI-507 <=1992>=19934 funct2008_12_26N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+99x64x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-508 PLUS  <=1992>=19954 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI3154Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+127x107x23 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-603D  <=1992>=19954 funct2008_12_26N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN DAY % Sqrt MRC M- M+117x66x10 Nsolar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-620  <=1992<=19924 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+6N30LCD10+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+ CST: SEL MAR SEL: CST MAR MAR: CST SEL120x128x20 Nsolar  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
BA-20PROFIT MANAGER3<=1992<=20034 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+6N30LCD10+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+ CST: SEL MAR SEL: CST MAR MAR: CST SEL120x128x20 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1795+ 1<=1992>=19934 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+124x107x23 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-5006SuperView <=1992>=19944 funct print2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4printN28LCD10+indicNNYNN DEC GPM % MRC M- M+ ADV D/# P/NP 5/4175x89x36 4xAA6VDC  ThailandDatamath ref. 
La super Dictee Magique  <=1992>=1992Game2003_05_18N  GameN31?LCD  NNNN Game253x177x34 2xCN  USA  
PS-2100  <=1992>=1993Data bank2009_01_01N2KBytes 6+4mem+DatabankY41LCD12alpha+12numNNNmemY Sqrt % M+ M- MR MC + databank86x53x5 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N : PS-2100 & PS-9250. 
PS-2400 DATA BANK  <=1992>=1994Data bank2009_01_01N2KBytes 6+3mem+DatabankY45LCD12alpha+12numNNNmemYToshiba TMP0620H% Sqrt MRC M+ M- + databank71x117x13 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
PS-3600 DATA BANK  <=1992>=1993Data bank2012_04_22N8KBytes 6+DatabankY58LCD12alpha+12num+12numNNNmemYToshiba TMP0620F-5105+/- % + databank74x132x13 2xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  Malaysia, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-85_v1TI-85 11992>=1995Scient2008_12_28Y32KBytes (28KB available)  ScientY50LCD21x8128x64YExtY Toshiba T6A43, W24257, LH531Scientific173x81x21 4xAAA+1x3VcellN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-25 SOLAR  <=1992>=1992Scient2008_11_10N1 35+4memN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6974% DRG 1/x sin cos tan y^x x! EE log ln x^2 K ( ) +/- DRG> asin acos atan y^(1/x) EEv 10^x e^x Sqrt x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD DD->DMS Pi STO RCL SUM EXC117x64x10 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas_instruments.TI-30XTI-30X  <=1992>=1996Scient2011_11_05N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A61DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-147x72x13 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30X SOLAR  <=1993>=1994Scient2008_11_10N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M38DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-147x72x13 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-5018  <=1993>=19954 funct desktop2009_01_01N2 11+4memN29LCD12+indicNNNNNSharp LI3164AR -> MU GT Sqrt % MC MR M- M+173x107x23 1xLR44 (1.5Vcell)solar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-5021SuperView <=1993>=19944 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 11+4memN29+2LCD12+indic + 4NNNNN  -> RECALL MU/D +/- % IC EX MC MR M-= M+=142x191x30 1xAAN  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-81 2<=1993>=1994Scient Progr2008_12_28Y8KBytes (2400B availables)128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNToshiba T84C00, TC14C010Scient+Prog174x81x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-82 1<=1993>=1994Scient Progr2008_12_28Y32KBytes (28KB available) 128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNToshiba T84C00, TC14C010Scient+Prog174x81x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_MICKEY_MOUSEMICKEY MOUSE  <=1993>=19934 funct2009_06_11N0 5N18LCD8+indicNNNNN  +/-117x114x15 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1706+ 1<=1993>=19954 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+112x66x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
BA Real EstateBUSINESS ANALYST <=1993>=1993Financial2008_11_16N>=1 FinancialY/N40LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6M51Financial145x71x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
BA-35 CGA 1<=1993>=1993Financial2008_11_10N>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNN NCD4571BFinancial135x70x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
BA-35 CGA 2<=1994>=1994Financial2008_11_10N>=1 FinancialN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNN NCD4571BFinancial135x70x11 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-7140  <=1994>=19944 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+117x64x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
Fun CALC  <=1994>=19944 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+117x64x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.CreeksNCreeks.v1Creeks N' Creeks 1<=1994>=19944 funct2012_06_03N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+117x66x11 1xLR42N  Taiwan, : 1 , 2Exists in differents colors.
Creeks N' Creeks 2<=1994>=19964 funct2012_06_03N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+107x67x14 1xLR43N  Taiwan, : 1 , 2Exists in differents colors.
Hot Calc  <=1994>=19954 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LH3154Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+116x68x9 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-5006 IISuperView <=1994>=19944 funct print2009_01_01N1 8+3mem+4printN29LCD10+indicNNYNNToshiba T7916SDEC +/- GPM % MRC M- M+ ADV 5/4 P/NP D/#178x89x38 4xAA6VDC  ThailandDatamath ref. 
BA II PLUSADVANCED BUSINESS ANALYST2<=1995>=1999Financial2008_11_14N10 FinancialY/N44LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNN NToshiba T6A53Financial152x74x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-307+  <=1995>=19984 funct2008_12_27N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A73+/- % MRC M- M+56x91x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-503+  <=1995>=19954 funct2012_09_23N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A73+/- % MRC M- M+108x68x10 LR54N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-507+  <=1995>=19984 funct2008_12_27N1 6+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNToshiba T6A73+/- % MRC M- M+104x66x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-40 Solar 1<=1995>=1995Scient2008_11_16N>=1 ScientN42LCD10 or 6+2 +indicNNNNN Scientific142x71x11 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-80TI-80  <=1995>=1999Scient2010_06_27Y8KB (7KB available)128KBScientY50LCD16x864x48NNmemNToshiba T6M53, SRM2264, LH5359, Display: T6879Scientific162x72x15 2xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-81 3<=1995>=1996Scient Progr2008_12_28Y8KBytes (2400B availables)128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNToshiba T84C00, TC14C010Scient+Prog174x81x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments_TI-82_V2TI-82 2<=1995>=1997Scient Progr2010_02_17Y32KBytes (28KB available) 128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNToshiba T84C00, TC14L010Scient+Prog174x81x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-5028 PAPER-FREE  <=1995>=19964 funct desktop2009_01_01N1+99 12+4memN31LCD10+3linesx10NNNNNToshiba T6A82-510v ^ LINE ENTER 5/4 DEC % +/- MC MR M-= M+=140x74x13 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
TI-30Xa 1<=1995>=1996Scient2008_11_16N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M80ADRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-147x72x13 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30Xa SE 1<=1995>=1996Scient2008_11_16N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M79DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-147x72x13 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30Xa SOLAR 1<=1995>=1996Scient2008_11_16N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M79DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-147x72x13 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ItalyDatamath ref. 
SOLAR LITTLE PROFESSOR 1<=1995>=1997Game2008_09_28N0 6N17LCD NNNNN Gaming145x74x13 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
Explorer PlusTI-32 Explorer Plus1<=1995>=1997Scient2008_11_16N>=1 ScientificN42LCD10 or 6+2 +indicNNNNN Scientific142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
Explorer PlusTI-32 Explorer Plus2<=1996>=1999Scient2008_11_16N>=1 ScientificN42LCD10 or 6+2 +indicNNNNN Scientific142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-25 STAT  <=1996>=1996Scient2008_11_16N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNN 1/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan x! EE log ln y^x K ( ) +/- DRG-> Sqrt asin acos atan EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD Pi DD->DMS STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman117x64x8 Nsolar  USADatamath ref. 
TI-25X Solar  <=1996>=1996Scient2008_11_16N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T6F271/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan x! EE log ln y^x K ( ) +/- DRG-> Sqrt asin acos atan EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD Pi DD->DMS STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman117x64x8 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30S  <=1996>=1996Scient2008_11_16N>=1 35+4mem+8statN40LCD8 or 5+2 + indicNNNNNToshiba T69741/x % DRG x^2 sin cos tan x! EE log ln y^x K ( ) +/- DRG-> Sqrt asin acos atan EEv 10^x e^x y^(1/x) x<>y P->R R->P DMS->DD Pi DD->DMS STO RCL SUM EXC Sum+ CSR Sum- Sumx Sumx^2 meanx sigman-1 sigman117x64x8 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-106TI-106 2<=1996>=19984 funct2008_12_14N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +<>- MRC M- M+117x65x10 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-82 3<=1996>=2000Scient Progr2008_12_28Y32KBytes (28KB available) 128KBytesScient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64NNNNZilog Z84C0008 + Toshiba TC14L010Scient+Prog183x81x20 4xAAA + 1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.TI-83.version1TI-83 119961996Scient2009_08_11Y32KBytes (27KB available) 128KBScientY50LCD16x896x64YExtY Zilog Z84C0008, TI-9815455Scientific182x81x20 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-83 21996>=1998Scient2008_12_28Y32KBytes (27KB available) 128KBScientY50LCD16x896x64YExtY Toshiba T6C79Scientific182x81x20 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-85 21996>=1996Scient2008_12_28Y32KBytes (24KB available)  ScientY50LCD21x8128x64YExtY Toshiba T6A43, W24257, LH531Scientific173x81x21 4xAAA+1x3VcellN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-92  01/1996>=1997Scient2008_12_30Y128KB (70KB available)1MB flashScientificY80LCD40x12240x128YExtY SC414181Scientific121x208x33 4xAA+1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-92IITI-92 II  1996>=1998Scient2008_12_30Y256KB (198KB available) ScientificY80LCD40x12240x128YExtY SC414181Scientific121x208x33 4xAA+1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-1706+ 2<=1996>=19984 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+124x69x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
CLEAR CALCTI-1722+ <=1996>=19974 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/-MRC M- M+112x66x9 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1766+  <=1996>=19994 funct2008_12_27N1 7+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % GPM MRC M- M+132x74x9 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1775+  <=1996>=19964 funct+time2008_12_27N1 8+4mem+5clockN27LCD8+indicNNNNN CALC % +/- -> GPM MRC M- M+ CLOCL SET 12/24 AM PM157x135x10 1xLR44solar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-1795+ 2<=1996>=19984 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+132x107x23 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1796+  <=1996>=19984 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD10+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+132x107x23 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-2200+  <=1996>=19964 funct+checkbook2008_12_26N3 7+10memN32LCD8+indicNNNmemN % DM key 1:DEP CHK BAL1 2:PMT CHG BAL2 3:PMT CHG BAL3 GT69x155x8 2xLR43 (1.5Vcell)N  MalaysiaDatamath ref. 
BA-35 SolarBusiness Analyst <=1996>=1996Financial2008_11_16N3 FinancialN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNN Financial152x77x12 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
BA Real EstateREAL ESTATE ANALYST <=1996>=1999Financial2008_11_16N>=1 FinancialY/N40LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNNNN Financial152x77x12 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
PS-6100  <=1996>=1997Organizer2013_04_15N32KB OrganizerY59LCD12alpha + 2x12numNNNmemY Organizer175x144x11open, 90x144x15closed 2xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ThailandDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-30XaTI-30Xa 2<=1996>=1998Scient2008_11_16N3 ScientificN40LCD10 1/2+2 1/2NNNNNToshiba T6M79 or T6M80AScientific152x77x12 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  China, ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-30Xa Solar 2<=1996>=1997Scient2008_11_16N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M79DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-152x77x12 Nsolar  ItalyDatamath ref. 
TI-36X Solar 4<=1996>=2000Scient2008_11_16N3 ScientificN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNN Scientific152x77x12 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-40_CollegeTI-40 CollègeTI-40 College <=1997>=1997Scient2009_03_17N>=1 ScientificN42LCD10+indicNNNNN Scientific152x77x12 2xLR44 (1.5Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-40 Solar 2<=1997>=1997Scient2008_11_16N>=1 ScientificN42LCD10 or 6+2 +indicNNNNN Scientific142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
Math ExplorerTI-125<=1997>=20034 funct+2008_11_23N1 23+4memN42LCD8+indicNNNNN Unit / F<>D Pi Simp Ab/c x<>y Cons Fix x^2 10^n 1/x y^x INT/ Sqrt % ( ) +<>- x<>M M- M+ MR142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-86 11997>=1998Scient2010_06_13Y128KB (96KB available)256KBScientificY50LCD21x8128x64YExtY Toshiba T6A43 Z80 compatible CPUScientific184x83x21 4xAAA+1x3VcellN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI-86TI-86 21997>=2000Scient2010_06_13Y128KB (96KB available)256KBScientificY50LCD21x8128x64YExtY Toshiba T6A43 Z80 compatible CPUScientific184x83x21 4xAAA+1x3VcellN  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
SOLAR LITTLE PROFESSOR 2<=1997>=1998Game2008_09_28N0 6N17LCD NNNNN Gaming147x74x13 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/TI_AVIGOAVIGO 10  19971999PDA2010_02_10 1Mbytes (680KB for user)1MB flashPDAY8LCD 160x240, with Backlight (EL)YExtYYInventec 6SI117, AM29F080, TC551001PDA141x83x19 2xAAA + 1x3Vcell   TaiwanDatamath ref. 
Pocket Mate 200  1997>=1997Organizer2012_04_29N64KB OrganizerY76LCD6 lines x 24 charNY YYToshiba T6M88Organizer85x130x18closed , 166x130x12open 2x3Vcell   ThailandDatamath ref. 
Pocket Mate 300  1997>=1997Organizer2012_04_29N128KB OrganizerY76LCD6 lines x 24 charNY YYToshiba T6M88Organizer85x130x18closed , 166x130x12open 2x3Vcell   ThailandDatamath ref. 
Pocket Mate 400  1997>=1997Organizer2012_04_29N256KB OrganizerY76LCD6 lines x 24 charNY YYToshiba T6M88Organizer85x130x18closed , 166x130x12open 2x3Vcell   ThailandDatamath ref. 
TI-1800  <=1997>=19974 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4N29LCD10+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt TAX+ TAX- TAXSET TAXRECALL145x109x20 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-5048PAPER-FREE <=1997>=19974 funct desktop2010_02_17N1+ 12+4memN36LCD12+12x4linesNNN N v ^ LINE ENTER +/- DEC -> GPM TAX % Diamond/S */T MT MS M-= M+=  3xAAN  Malaysia  
TI-1706SV 1<=1998>=19984 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+127x74x10 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1726 1<=1998>=19984 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI-3154Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+114x81x18 Nsolar  ThailandDatamath ref. 
€-2002Euro 2002 <=1998>=19984 funct2009_01_01N1 8+3mem+3conv+4N31LCD12+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt -> MRC M- M+ SET <- ->€ TAX+ TAX- TAXSET TAXRECALL155x114x25 1xLR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-73  05/1998>=1999Scient2008_12_28Y32KBytes (25KB available) 128KBScientY50LCD21x8128x64YExtY Zilog Z84C0008, TI-9815455Scientific182x81x20 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-83 Plus 105/1999>=2004Scient2012_05_28Y32KBytes (24KB available) 160KBScientY50LCD16x896x64YExtY Zilog Z84C0008, TI-9815455Scientific182x81x20 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  China, TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-83 Plus 204/2002>=2002Scient2012_08_26Y32KBytes (24KB available) 160KBScientY50LCD16x896x64YExtY Z-80 (Inventec 6SI837 asic incorporated)Scientific182x81x20 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas-instruments.TI-89TI-89  05/1998>=2000Scient2010_06_13Y640KBytes = 256KBytes (188KB avalable) + 384KB as RAMdisk2MBytes flashScientY50LCD26x10160x100YExtY Motorola SC414181 (68000 32bits)Scientific182x81x20182gr4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-92 Plus  04/1999>=1999Scient2008_12_30Y256KBytes (188KB available)2MBytes flash (702KB available)ScientificY80LCD40x12240x128YExtY 68EC000Scientific121x211x29 4xAA+1xCR1616 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-30 eco RS 1<=1999>=2001Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNN Scientific150x76x13 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-36 eco RS  <=1999>=1999Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNN Scientific150x76x13 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-30X_IIB.v1TI-30X IIB 1<=1999>=2003Scient2011_04_25N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x17 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIS 1<=1999>=1999Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30Xa SE 2<=1999>=2000Scient2008_11_16N3 47+4mem+10statN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNNToshiba T6M79DRG log ln sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh y^x Pi 1/x x^2 Sqrt EE ( ) a^(b/c) <- +/- DRG> 10^x e^x asin acos atan asinh acosh atanh y^(1/x) x<>y P->R nCr nPr R->P FLO SCI ENG d/c x^3 % x! DMS->DD F<>D x^(1/3) FIX DD->DMS STO RCL EXC SUM Sum+ FRQ meanx sigmaxn-142x71x11 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-34 II 1<=1999>=2000Scient2008_11_23N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-36X II 1<=1999>=2002Scient2011_02_13N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/texas_instruments.TI-40_College_II.v1TI-40 Collège IITI-40 College II1<=1999>=2000Scient2010_07_28N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-15Explorer <=1999>=20004 funct+2008_11_23N1 40+2memN46LCD11x2 + indic53x13NNNN <- ^ v -> ??? ??? ? <> Unit n_ U(n/d)<>n/d Frac <- Simp _d F<>D Fac Fix >% Op1 Op2 1000. % Sqrt ^Int/ 100. Pi ( ) 10. 1. 0.1 0.01 0.001 (-) Enter >M MR/MC175x84x13 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-501 2<=1999>=20024 funct2008_12_27N1 5+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN % MRC M- M+89x56x8 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-503SV 1<=1999>=19994 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNNSharp LI-3154Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+114x71x9 1xLR54N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-2000Euro 2000 <=1998>=19994 funct2011_06_05N1 6+3mem+3convN26LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SET <- ->€114x73x10 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-2001Euro 2001 <=1999>=19994 funct2008_12_28N1 7+3mem+4convN28LCD10+indicNNNNN F02 % +/- MRC M- M+ SET 1<- ->2 SELECT127x75x10 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-2003Euro 2003 <=1999>=20014 funct2009_01_01N1 8+3mem+4conv+2N32LCD12+indicNNNNN F02 +/- % -> MRC M- M+ SET 1<- ->2 SELECT TAX+ TAX-155x114x25 1xLR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-1796Euro 1796 ~2000 4 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4convN28LCD10+indicNNNNN F02 +/- % MRC M- M+ SET 1<- ->2 SELECT145x109x25 LR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref.Never commercialized prototype.
€-1796Euro 1796 <=2000>=20014 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+4convN28LCD10+indicNNNNN F02 +/- % MRC M- M+ SET 1<- ->2 SELECT145x109x25 LR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-2000+Euro 2000+ <=2000>=20014 funct2008_12_28N1 6+3mem+3convN26LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SET <- ->€114x75x10 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
€-2002+Euro 2002+ <=2000>=20014 funct2009_01_01N1 8+3mem+3conv+4N31LCD12+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt -> MRC M- M+ SET <- ->€ TAX+ TAX- TAXSET TAXRECALL155x114x25 1xLR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1795SV 1<=2000>=20014 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+132x109x25 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1796SV  <=1999>=19994 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+5N26LCD10+indicNNNNNSharp LI31692R+/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+ rate tax+ tax- store recall132x109x25 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-7350SV  <=2000>=20004 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt MRC M- M+132x109x25 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
BA II PLUSADVANCED BUSINESS ANALYST3<=2000>=2001Financial2008_11_23N10 FinancialY/N44LCD3alpha + 10 ou 7+ 2 1/2 + indicNNN NToshiba T6A53Financial152x74x13 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-503SV 2<=2001>=20014 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % MRC M- M+114x71x9 1xLR54N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-82 4<=2000>=2003Scient Progr2011_06_12Y32KBytes (28KB available)  Scient+ProgN50LCD8 lines x 16chars96x64YNNNToshiba T6C79 + TA1782 (ROM) + HY62WT081 (RAM) + Toshiba T6A04A (Display driver)Scient+Prog184x83x21 4xAAA + 1xCR1616 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition  06/2001>=2004Scient Graph2012_07_15Y32KBytes (24KB available) 1,5MBScient GraphY50LCD16x896x64YExtY TI Z80Scient Graph183x82x21 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  TaiwanDatamath ref. 
TI-10  <=2002>=20024 funct+2008_11_23N1 27+3memN46LCD11x2 + indic53x13NNNN <- ^ v -> ??? Auto ??? ??? ? < > Fix 1000. Opt ( ) 100. 10. 1. 0.1 0.01 (-) Enter MR/MC M+ M-175x84x13 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
voyage 200  01/2002>=2002Scient2008_12_30Y256KBytes (188KB available)4MBytes flash (2,7MB available)ScientificY80LCD40x12240x128YExtY 68EC000Scientific121x208x33 4xAA+1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N   Datamath ref. 
TI-30X IIB 2<=2003>=2003Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIS 2<=2003>=2003Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-503SV.version3TI-503SV 3<=2003>=20044 funct2011_11_13N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % mrc m- m+121x78x17 1xLR54N : 1, 2 & 3. 
TI-1706SV 2<=2003>=20034 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % mrc m- m+137x78x13 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-1726 22003>=20034 funct2008_12_27N1 7+3memN23LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+  Nsolar   Datamath ref. 
TI-1795SV 2<=2003>=20034 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 7+3mem+5N26LCD8+indicNNNNN +/- % Sqrt mrc m- m+ rate tax+5374:5906tax- store recall140x119x25 1xLR54solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI|5018SVTI-5018SV <=2003>=20034 funct desktop2009_01_01N2 11+4memN29LCD12+indicNNNNN  -> MU GT Sqrt % MC MR M- M+170x107x23 1xLR44 (1.5Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30 ECO RS 2<=2004>=2004Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificN40LCD10+2+indicNNNNN Scientific150x76x13 Nsolar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIB 3<=2004>=2005Scient2011_04_25N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIS 3<=2004>=2004Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-34 II 2<=2004>=2004Scient2008_11_23N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-36X II 2<=2004>=2004Scient2008_11_23N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-40 Collège IITI-40 College II2<=2004>=2004Scient2010_05_10N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x82x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIB 4<=2004>=2004Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30X IIB 5<=2005>=2005Scient2008_11_23N3 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x81x15 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-82 STAT  <=2004>=2004Scient2012_05_20Y28KB ScientificY40LCD16x8linesYNNN CPU Toshiba T6C79, ROM MX-ROM, RAM HY62WT081, Display Toshiba T6A04Scientific184x83x22 4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-Collège  <=2005>=2006Scient2010_09_12N5 ScientificY/N44LCD11alpha + 10+2 + indicNNNNN Scientific155x82x16 1xCR2025 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-EC3  <=2005>=20064 funct2008_12_28N1 6+3mem+4convN26LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SET € money RATE119x79x9 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-EC5  <=2005>=20064 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 6+3mem+3convN26LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SET € RATE157x102x23 1xLR189solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-EC7Pro  <=2005>=20064 funct desktop2009_01_01N1 21+3memN36LCD12alpha+12numNNNNN Sqrt % +/- MRC M- M+165x114x28 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-30XB MultiView  <=2006>=2008Scient2012_07_29N7 ScientY45LCD16x4linesYNNNN Scient172x83x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 1 & 2 Exists in 2 color variations
TI-30XS MultiView  <=2007>=2007Scient2012_07_29N7 ScientY45LCD16x4linesYNNNN Scient172x83x13 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 1 & 2 Exists in 2 color variations
TI-EC3+  <=2007>=20074 funct2008_12_28N1 6+3mem+4convN26LCD10+indicNNNNN % +/- MRC M- M+ SET € money RATE119x79x9 1xLR189N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-503SV 4<=2007>=20074 funct2010_09_26N1 7+3memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt +/- % mrc m- m+121x78x17 1xLR54N  ChinaDatamath ref. 
galerie/TI/Texas_Instruments.TI-College_PlusTI-Collège PlusTI-College Plus <=2008>=2008Scient2011_11_05N7 ScientificY45LCD16x4lines96x31NNNN Scientific166x79x15 1xCR2032 (3Vcell)Solar  ChinaDatamath ref. 
TI-83  <=2008>=2008Scient2011_08_28Y32KBytes (24KB available) 160KBScientificY50LCD16x8lines96x64YExtYN Scientific184x82x20182gr4xAAA+1xCR1620 (3Vcell)N  ChinaDatamath ref. 

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