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Pictures Model Aka Version Intro date End date Type Last update Progr RAM ROM Nb functions Alpha Nb keys Display type Display Graph XY Ext Print Sav Clock             Microprocessor                                     Functions                         Size Weight Batteries Ext power Power Twin Made in Link(s)                                                 Remarks                                                


Pictures Model Aka Version Intro date End date Type Last update Progr RAM ROM Nb functions Alpha Nb keys Display type Display Graph XY Ext Print Sav Clock             Microprocessor                                     Functions                         Size Weight Batteries Ext power Power Twin Made in Link(s)                                                 Remarks                                                
galerie/S/satek_800PK800PK  <=1975>=19764 funct2010_02_10N0 5N19VFD8 1/2NNNNNSharp LI2006%136x86x28170g4xAAAC  Japan  
802MSQ  <=1975>=19764 funct2010_02_10N1 10+4memN28VFD8 1/2NNNNNNec uPD946C (1975) ou TI TMS1044NL (1976)+/- Sqrt 1/x x^2 Pi % CM RM M- M+135x86x28259g (with batt)4xAAAC0.25W Japan  
8M 1<=1978>=19784 funct2007_04_30N1 6+4memN25VFD8.NNNNNTI TMS0972NLCS % MC MR M-M+135x77x2286gr1x9VY Unisonic 1541L   
8M 2<=1977>=19784 funct2007_04_30N1 8+4memN25VFD8 1/2NNNNNTI TMS1044 (7810)Pi Sqrt 1/x % M/MC MX M- M+135x74x23 2x1.5VY     
galerie/S/satek.830MD830MD  <=1978>=19784 funct2011_11_05N1 6+4memN23VFD8 1/2NNNNNNec D1803C% Sqrt M+ M- RM CM117x74x18 1xAA1V5DC     
MK 652  198x 4 funct2012_07_01N1 6+3mem+1N25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MRC M- M+ note101x61x5 2xSR1130 (1.5Vcell)N  Taiwan  
galerie/S/satek_LC-733LC-733  198x 4 funct2010_02_10N1 6+4memN24LCD8+indicNNNNN % Sqrt M+ M- MC MR97x56x6 2x1.5VcellN     
1910  198x 4 funct2007_04_30N1 6+4memN25LCD8+indicNNNNN Sqrt % MC MR M- M+98x58x8 2x1.5VcellN0.0002W    

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